Driver Drill: 3 Shots to Unleash Controlled Power

, GolfLink Senior Editor
Updated September 20, 2023
Golf ball on a tee at a practice range
    Golf ball on a tee at a practice range
    Getty Image license

We’re going to go out on a limb and say every golfer wants distance with their driver.

The natural instinct to maximize distance is to maximize effort, but this drill from Joe Hallett, Golf Digest Top 50 Teacher, shows you how to maximize distance with controlled effort, resulting in repeatable and accurate power. Let’s check it out.

The 3-Shot Driver Drill

The key to the three-shot driver drill is that you must make a full swing with a full finish. We’ll explain.

In this drill, your goal is to hit your driver to three different distances, one short, one medium, and one long (somewhere near your full driver distance) shot. Hallett demonstrates the drill with targets at 150 yards, 200 yards, and 250 yards, with the 250-yard shot representing his normal full swing. However, you should adjust your target distances to represent your abilities.

Since you’re not allowed to make short, half-swings in this drill, you must really concentrate on hitting a controlled shot with a controlled swing to hit the short drive. There’s a good chance you’ll find this shot to be the hardest of the three to hit.

With your second ball, you can add a little speed to the swing, but your primary feel will still be smooth and controlled in order to take off the appropriate distance compared to your full swing. 

As Hallett says, “It’s the same full swing, just a little more.”

With the last shot, your goal is to translate that controlled feeling you rehearsed with the first two shots, but with more speed to hit the ball your target distance. Hallett points out that with a controlled swing, you don’t have to swing all out at it.


Unleash Your Controlled Power

Once you try this drill, you’ll realize just how much power you have in a controlled swing. By adding control to your swing, you’ll hit more accurate shots, and find your ball in the fairway more often.

Golf driver at address

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