What is MOI in Golf and Why Should You Care?

MOI is an acronym for Moment of Inertia. It’s frequently used as a selling point in golf clubs from just about every golf manufacturer, but do you know what MOI is and, more importantly, why it’s good for your golf game? Let’s look at MOI in golf clubs and how much of an impact it has on your game.
MOI by the Book
According to yourdictionary.com, Moment of Inertia is described as, “A measure of a body's resistance to angular acceleration.” MOI is measured in grams per centimeter squared (g/cm²). Essentially, it’s a measurement of how resistant something is to twisting or bending while in motion.
How MOI Translates to Golf
MOI in golf refers to how resistant a club head is to opening or closing through impact. The higher the MOI, the better the chance you have at hitting a flush iron or driver.
How Does MOI Affect Your Game?
MOI has a big impact on your golf game, especially if you’re playing older golf equipment. Optimizing MOI has been a staple of newer golf club technology. However, depending on your skill level, MOI can affect your golf game differently.
Mid-High Handicap Players
For amateur players with a mid to high handicap, say 12 and above, you want the highest MOI you can get out of a golf club. For this skill level, consistency and ball striking are keys to successful scores and taking the next steps to lower your handicap.
Golf clubs that have a higher MOI help you keep the club face square at impact. The higher the MOI, the more forgiving. All golf clubs made in the past decade were built with MOI in mind, which is why if you’re playing clubs even older than that, you should consider something a little more modern.
Low Handicap Players
You automatically think that more skilled players will want the same MOI detail as higher handicap players, but that’s not necessarily the case. Low handicap golfers often rely on the ability to shape shots, such as draws and fades. Shaping golf shots is negatively impacted by clubs with a higher MOI. In other words, they’re too forgiving for the better player.
MOI in Putters
MOI is not only important in your full-swing clubs, it's also a big factor to consider in your putter. Just like in woods and irons, putters with high MOI resist twisting on off-center strikes, while low-MOI putters have less stability away from the sweet spot.
Since MOI is created by adding weight to the perimeter of a golf club, mallet and fang putters are naturally higher in MOI than blade putters. However, that doesn't mean a blade putter can't be forgiving. Many blade putters today have perimeter weights to increase MOI.
When it comes to MOI and golf, the more information you have, the better off you are. However, amateur golfers who get too caught up in the numbers or what manufacturers say about their products run a risk of overcomplicating their purchase.
That’s why keeping an open mind, while also being product-educated, is best. In addition, never discount the value of being properly fit for your golf clubs by a certified fitter to make sure your clubs are the best for you, no matter what the MOI numbers may be.