The Drop Down Drill For a Top-Notch Transition

When you think about the shape of your golf swing, the correct move for a proper transition makes perfect sense. Here’s a great drill, and a simple explanation of the transition, from Joe Hallett, a Golf Digest Top 50 Teacher.
“Look, the club went back, and then it went up,” Hallett explains. “It’s got to come down before it goes forward. If it went back, and up, and went forward, you’re making a box. The swing is actually a circle of some sorts.”
The Drop Down Drill to Fix Your Transition
Hallett’s drill to work on the ideal transition is as simple as his explanation of the proper transition.
First, take a normal backswing and hold your position at the top.
From there, start the club back down without any forward movement. When your lead arm (left arm for a right-handed golfer) is parallel to the ground, you’ve brought it down enough. This specific move is the part of the swing known as the transition. When this move becomes second nature, your transition is dialed in.
Finally, swing through from that position, hitting a shot.
Tips for Practicing the Drop Down Transition Drill
When you first start practicing the drop down transition drill, it’s going to feel weird. That’s fine.
Start with a short iron, something you feel comfortable with. It’s a good idea to commit to 10 reps, or swings, with this drill. On your first two or three, don’t worry about contact, just focus on the feel of moving the club down without moving it forward.
Once you start to get a feel for that move, try to make sure that the quality of your strike is as good as possible. Keep in mind, your distance will be very limited, since you’re only swinging the club from about hip height.
Once you’ve gone through 10 swings, go ahead and make some full swings, start to finish, making sure you feel that club move down in the transition before it moves forward.
Simplifying the Transition
The transition is a simple part of the golf swing. First, the club goes back and up, and the transition’s job is essentially to re-trace those steps. If your transition reliably goes down, then forward, you’re set up for success. If not, this drill will help you.