How to Hit from Tall Grass in Golf

Sometimes when you play different golf courses you will be faced with tall fescue on the golf course just off the fairway. This is a little bit more difficult shot than if you are just hitting out of normal rough. What a lot of golfers like to do when they get in this fescue is try to help the golf ball up and they end up hitting it about 20 feet, advancing it but leaving the golf ball still in the fescue.
The Challenge of Hitting Out of Fescue Grass
Move the Ball Back in Your Golf Stance
What you need to do if it is really long, tall, lush fescue is take your sand wedge or pitching wedge out, play the ball back in your stance and try to punch the ball back out into the fairway. But a lot of times you have a relatively good lie and have the opportunity to go for the green. What I would suggest you doing is practice this shot number one, but number two, when you are playing this shot move the ball back in your stance just a little bit so that you hit the golf ball a little sooner, and number two grip down on the golf club and get your hands forward at the address position. When you swing the club back hold the club up above the ground where you are not getting the club caught up in the tall fescue.
Hit a Punch Shot Instead of Swinging Through
But the key is on the forward swing is to hit more of a punch shot. A lot of people get in trouble when they try to swing through. So I am going to grip down on the club, play the ball back, I know I am not going to swing through, sort of a punch finish so I am going to have a lower running ball when I hit the golf shot. Before I hit it I want to take a practice swing and get an idea of what this club is going to do through this tall fescue. I am going to set up, ball position back, hands forward, gripping down on it and I am going to have more of a punch finish when I hit this shot. As I hit it I had a low running shot that run up on the green.
Practice Fescue Shots to Be Prepared
So when you go out and play a golf course that has fescue try to practice out of it so that you know how the ball is going to react. When you are on the golf course take a practice swing to get a feel for the shot and then remember the fundamentals of how to hit this shot. I think you will be more successful next time you play a golf course with long fescue.