4 Easy Steps for the Perfect Golf Set-Up

So here it is, the scenario is that it's you and the ball. Now what do we do? We need to set up? What is 'Set Up?' When we set up what are we trying to accomplish, why are we doing it?
How to Remember the Steps in Your Golf Set-Up
I want you to remember four letters, G, A, P, B. In the mall there is a store called The Gap, and it's for boys, so you get GAPB. Every time you set up you are trying to accomplish: G - Grip, A - Alignment, P - Posture, B - Ball Position. It is crucial, your hands control the clubface, so the clubface controls the spin on the ball. Your alignment controls your swing path, so if you swing to the right you are going to try to aim left to compensate for it. If we can get you to aim at the target then you can swing at the target. Certainly the simplest way to play the game.
Grip, Alignment, Posture and Ball Position
Your P is your posture, when you set up the objective is to get your body in an athletic position from which you can then swing under, not up and down, but directly under yourself and then under yourself again. A roll in the function of your posture. The last thing is B, ball position, if you put it too far back in your stance it will start off to the right, if you are a right handed player. If you put it too far forward it will start to the left. If we don't get the ball in the right place then the ball can not go the right place.
So every time you set up I want you to remember GAPB, it's in the mall. Don't go buy it, use it, do it! As you do you will become so much more consistent in what you are trying to do because your grip will control your face, your posture will control your swing, your alignment will influence your swing and your ball position is going to tell you whether or not you made a good swing. Let's get good at GAPB, have some fun with that and it is going to make a world of difference.