How to Make Your Own Golf Practice Mat

Updated August 2, 2009
golf flag on a putting green
    golf flag on a putting green
Hitting balls into a net or chipping balls across your yard is a great way to work on your golf game at home and lower your handicap. Unfortunately, home play can also have the effect of tearing apart your lawn. By creating your own golf mat, you can work on your game without leaving divots around your yard.


Difficulty: Easy
  1. Staple the carpet padding to the top of the plywood.
  2. Drill a hole through the wood and padding, centered across the three-foot width, and four inches in from one edge of the board. This will allow you to use rubber practice tees with your mat.
  3. Place the turf upside down on the ground. Center the board in the middle of the turf, with the padding facing down against the back side of the turf.
  4. Fold the sides of the turf back and over the board.
  5. Staple the turf to the board along the bottom of the board, then again around the sides of the board, being sure to keep the turf pulled tight.
  6. Turn the mat over and use the utility knife to cut a hole in the turf over the hole you drilled for rubber tees.
  7. Insert rubber tee into the hole and begin practicing.